An Introduction to Story Revolution in FAQs
Q: What is Story Revolution trying to do?
We want to bring joyful, compassionate and excellent books to children. We realise how difficult it can be to identify these books amongst the thousands that crowd children’s sections of well-stocked bookstores. Many books that are loved and well-recognised elsewhere in the world are difficult to source in India. Parents and teachers also often find they are aware only of the most popular books. We aim to have a small but special selection of books to help parents and teachers keep their children’s minds curious and sensitive.
Q: Why is this so important?
Children have such vulnerable, open minds that it is of the greatest importance to choose the right things to expose them to. Books can be very influential. We find that some very popular books can be quite insensitive– solidifying stereotypes, cultivating divisive emotion, putting self-centeredness over compassion.
Q: What are ‘sensitive’ and ‘excellent’ books?
Books that have not been written to sell, and are not simply sensational, either physically or emotionally. Books written well, with a sense of joy and passion, and with an understanding of the mind of the child. Books that children will love. Books that will open children’s minds, deepening curiosity, empathy, compassion and understanding, both of themselves and the world around them.
Q: Why do you sell American books? Aren’t there any excellent books published in India?
There are certainly a great many wonderful books published in India! Story Revolution began with the discovery of used book stores and go-downs scattered around Bangalore, which had some very special books that were otherwise unavailable or expensive in India. Cartons and cartons of books have to be sifted through to find these gems. Giant containers are shipped from the US, recycling books that would otherwise go into landfills.
Since then Story Revolution has expanded in scope, and the next important step we are trying to take is to incorporate books from Indian publishers. We do source a few now and then, but do not have a regular supply. If it does not prove to be too difficult, we hope to have more Indian published books on our catalogue soon!
Meanwhile, we are careful to stock books with stories from diverse cultures, and we try to post links and articles about Indian publishers and books so people may buy these books directly from them.
Q: Who are you and what makes you a good judge of these books?
We are Shalini and Angela, both teachers at a small J Krishnamurti-inspired school in Bangalore, Shibumi. The idea of Story Revolution was born when we were buying books for the Shibumi library. We found multiple copies of many rare books and wanted to find ways to bring them to children. To run the sch0ol library and identify new books to buy, we do a lot of research and reading. We also get a sense of which books appeal to different children through the Shibumi library.
Angela was lucky enough to have read and enjoyed many of these books during her schooling at Centre for Learning, in Usha aunty's wonderful library!
Perhaps most importantly, we are passionate about these books, and are visibly excited each time we find a special book on our book-buying expeditions!